Category Archives: Business

How to increase your online visibility?

Online content is a powerful tool you can leverage to boost your business or personal brand on the internet. It not only spreads the word about what you do, but it also connects you with potential customers who otherwise don’t know you before. However, you need as many as you can to see your content before you can get any reasonable benefit. Here are tips for boosting your online visibility:

Have online presence

The first step to having online visibility is to first have online presence. You can’t get visibility without presence. Hence, you will need to get a …

How to install plugins & themes in bulk in one click?

A WordPress plugin is a program code that contains a set of functions that you can add to a WordPress website. They expand functionality or add new features. WordPress plugins can range from a few code lines to as many as a few hundred code files. In general, you should not overdo add-ons because we often use only one (smaller) part of all the add-on’s functionalities.

WordPress plugins

Before you install a specific add-on, it is good to pay attention to a few details:

  • Reviews and ratings – a mandatory check is the ratio of grades with 5 and 1 star. If

How to plan and implement a successful digital marketing campaign

Marketing is important for any business that wants to remain competitive in the long run. Marketing is important for intimating people about the existence of your company, what your company has to offer, and why your prospective customers should patronize you. Fortunately, one of the best ways to carry out marketing today is through digital marketing. It is generally cheaper and more effective to advertise or carry out online marketing through digital marketing. This article will discuss some tips that you could follow to plan and implement a successful digital marketing campaign.

Get a website

The first thing you want …

Why everyone investing in the BYND stocks?

Buying shares is a popular trading option among businesses. Beyond meat is rising in the share market. It allows you to trade products at the best stock price. Investing in these shares pivot the retail strategy of the business. It is available in different BYND stock price at in the trading. You can acquire high investment solution than you expected. Bynd stocks let you spend a cheap amount and get a big amount. You might avoid panic about purchasing these shares. The cost of stocks is five times more than the IPO cost. It is the best choice to …