Monthly Archives: May 2021

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online commerce

Online commerce gives consumers access to the same prices nationwide, more time, and transparency, which leads to lower prices offline.

The development of e-commerce has led to increased competition in retail, people tend to compare prices, online businesses competing not only with each other but also with traditional stores, which have had to revise their business models to remain competitive in the market. in which the barriers to online entry are today lower than those related to offline.

compare prices

Advantages of online commerce based on reviews:

  • increased competition
  • a wider range of products available nationally
  • the same prices at

How to increase your online visibility?

Online content is a powerful tool you can leverage to boost your business or personal brand on the internet. It not only spreads the word about what you do, but it also connects you with potential customers who otherwise don’t know you before. However, you need as many as you can to see your content before you can get any reasonable benefit. Here are tips for boosting your online visibility:

Have online presence

The first step to having online visibility is to first have online presence. You can’t get visibility without presence. Hence, you will need to get a …